Over The Fence: A Neighbor's Memories of Elvis
Author: Sara Erwin
Published in paperback by The King's Press, Memphis
ISBN 0-9659265-0-8
"Over The Fence" is more a booklet than a book -- in fact, it probably only just passes the "pamphlet" stage, counting just 70 pages, including 17 devoted to black and white illustrations. Nevertheless, it's a delightful collection of memories of the author, who really was Elvis's neighbour and, indeed, still lives in a house adjoining the grounds behind Graceland.
Sara Erwin first met Elvis when there were no fences around Graceland and the local children were able to use the grounds for horse riding -- they even stabled their horses in the large barn belonging to Graceland, down the hill from the mansion. Sara's description of the first encounter tells of an Elvis whose own fences had not yet been built either -- a young man still able, indeed, eager to talk to his neighbours in an almost shy way. Soon,however, a fence was built around the grounds and personal contact with Elvis became more and more infrequent, even though Elvis always remained courteous to his neighbours.
Throughout the book, the fence assumes an important metaphorical significance, almost mirroring the gradually increased separation of Elvis from the real world, as the fence is first built and is then replaced by gradually larger ones.
The author briefly follows life on the other side of the fence, relating how Elvis demolished some older buildings with a bulldozer, played around with a tractor and trailer, and rode around his grounds. Indeed, the front cover of the book shows a relaxed Elvis sitting astride a horse, presumably Rising Sun, looking more like a relaxed and contented cowboy than the world's greatest entertainer we are used to seeing in publicity and concert photos.
The events of August 1977 also merit much attention in the book, with the author climbing a tree to get a better look at the stars gathered in the Graceland grounds prior to the funeral. But the story doesn't end there, of course, for Graceland continues to be the centre of the Elvis world and Sara concentrates on 1987, 1994 and 1996.
Sara frequently receives requests from tourists to look over the fence, but just looking over will be insufficient to stir all the memories held in this highly enjoyable little book.
"Over the Fence" is available directly from Sara Erwin, Box 161334, Memphis, Tennessee 38186. It costs US$10, plus $3 shipping ($4 overseas); payment can be accepted in US funds or International Money Order only.
Copyright May 1999 David Neale